How Directories Enhance Online Visibility

How Directories Enhance Online Visibility

With all of the pressure to have a digital presence, it can be easy to lose sight of the purpose of having a website and a marketing budget. The point isn’t just to do what every other dealership is doing but to make your store a viable option for car buyers. Getting to the first page of a search engine result is no simple feat, which is why vendors offer any number of solutions such as SEO strategies and CPC campaigns. While both are fantastic, they aren’t the only techniques marketers have in their toolbox.

Directory sites, such as this one, are a unique opportunity to enhance your online visibility subtly. Our platform focuses explicitly on being ad-free and convenient for the buyer to find you, but what it also does is generate greater backlinks. When an influential website links to another, a digital citation is created, which is called a backlink. The more backlinks a site has, the more power it has, and, therefore, its domain rank increases. Domain rank is the score search engine bots give to websites once they have been crawled. That number is utilized to organize sites on a search engine results page; the higher the domain rank, the better the positioning.

So what we’re doing here on Dealership Locator is not just helping car shoppers or encouraging first-generation leads. We’re also in the business to help you get noticed. By giving you a little boost, your store’s website has the opportunity to climb a little bit higher on the digital food chain. It might not seem like much at first, but when you finally get from page 5 of the search to the first, you’ll love how fast your inventory is flying out of the showroom.